Introducing the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all of you, is what God has called us to do ... For serving the Lord is the ultimate remedy to any unexpected tragedy ... #Food4Thought,
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Call "HIM"
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Alot of you must be Wondering why "THE REAL DEAL" named this Blog/Article "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT"??? It's because as: PASTORS, PARENTS, and RADIO ANNOUNCERS we: Must, Can, and Should "ALWAYS"educate our public.
Carlos and I have been Blissful Married and Blessed with 4 Diamonds(that's what we call our sons) and using the computer for one reason or another; that's what drove us to write this Blog/Article. The location of our computer is in the living room; this way the entire family has access to their constantly it.
Whenever one of our Diamonds are online, the Phrase that you'll hear in our home is; "WHAT ARE YOU LOOKING AT??? Definitely we feel that it's the Duty and Obligation as such to: ADVISE, GUIDE, and MONITOR their teenagers INTERNET USAGE. Don't worry that perhaps you don't know why we're suggesting this. Just: Understand, Know, and Believe that "THE REAL DEAL" is here to assist you on this Journey.
The Internet has their PROS. and their CONS and here they are....
We're going to discuss with you, Fellow Blogger some Thumbs Up and some Thumbs Down in regard to COMPUTER USAGE... Now here are the Pros or Thumbs Up:
- Yes it's a Terrific form of Communication that has numerous Functions.
- In the past when students had a: Term Paper, Research Paper, an Experiment or any type of work that dealt with obtaining a great deal of information; students used to visit the Public Libraries. They would either Borrow the book or make copies of certain material preordaining to their work in order to Obtain a top grade and Out Do their classmates. Now with seconds and in the Comforts your own home Acquiring information isn't an Overwhelming Task anymore.
- It's also a tool to: email and receive Documents, Complete homework assignments, Pay Bills without the Hustle and Bustle of standing in long lines, you can also watch or listen to Music whenever you wish. Least, Talk and View: family and friends long distance.
- We're living in the Century of online Chatting and it's in the Peak; because society has invested practically ALL of their: time, money, and in believing that is the BEST way to Meet the soon to be Mr./Mrs. Right.
Now let's not forget about the Cons the and the Thumbs Down of Unsupervised Compute Usage. Many of you will Disagree or aren't Aware 0f them, so we'll Glady share them with you.
- The Pop Ups that feature Adult Contexts are disturbing for our YOUNG MINDS. As double P's(Parents and Pastors) we see it of poor and bad taste for any young person to have to view such Trash.
- Most teens now a days are doing the Double W's: Wishing and Wanting someone to LOVE them. Theirs nothing wrong with that; however not everyone that says that their a certain age is telling the TRUTH. It's a sad to say that, but their are individuals that PREY on young and Innocent Minds.
- If that youth hasn't had a Heart 2 Heart talk with their parents Concerning filling out forms online regarding so called FREEBIES then they will be likely to experience IDENTITY THEFT so: LOVING, PROUD, and PATIENT Parents take advantage of this Summer Vacation and have a POW WOW with your: Youngsters, Bundles of Joy, Off Springs, Teens, or Young Adults to discuss the matter about not being so free with their PERSONAL DATA. O.K.??? Believe it or not, you'll sleep better...
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
You don't have to "BE SUPER PARENTS"; Just "BE" There!
- Do you Communicate with your Teens on a regular bases?
- Have you Hugged or Kissed your son or daughter today?
- Do you know what are their Interests?
- Are they at the Dating Age? If so, do you know who their: Dating, Going to the movies, or just sharing a Happy Meal at McDonald's?
- Does the family have a least DINNER together?
- Most Gangs are formed because both parents work. Don't take it the wrong way; due to the Recession and prizes Sky Rocketing, one income usually isn't enough.
- Unplanned PREGNANCIES are a result of parents not discussing the consequences of Being sexually active before your: Mentally, Financially, and Emotionally ready. On occasions young girls want or Desire a baby because they: Need, Want, or Think that this Unborn child will give them UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and useful. We as parents must: Teach, Guide, and Assist in BUILDING our kids SELF ESTEEM; before someone "Knocks it Down." Have you forgotten what it felt like to feel or be Bullied?
- Finally, we can't or shouldn't forget about PEER PRESSURE. Bullies come in ALL different kinds of: Shapes, Sizes, and so called boyfriends, classmates, and just plan students who just Hang Out on school grounds.
The word of the Lord says this:
What the word of the Lord is telling us as PARENTS is to take time out of BUSY SCHEDULES and just get to know our BABIES. In conclusion, don't wait till your: Off Springs, PreTeens, Teens, or as my husband, Carlos and I call our sons(4 Diamonds because their so Valuable to us) to MOVE OUT before you get to know them.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Your IN The "ARMY NOW"
Picture this? When All the soldiers are sent into trainning before they are sent "OUT TO WAR". Experienced: Captains, Generals, and other Army Staff are brought together inorder to: Share, Shape, and Conceal that: Shy, Fearful, and Unskilled individual into a "First - Rate Skillful Soldier that: Smells, Hears, and knows how to handle any type of situation that their Comforted with
GOD BLESS: Today, Tomorrow, and Always theos "BRAVO" individuals that left their: Familys, Homes, and Employment to Defend ours. The word of the Lord says this:
If a soldier in the army receives and retains what their Superior in the army instructs them; then they shall obtain a grade of an "A" in the WAR ZONE and they'll also return to their Love Ones(Alive).
Bloggers of the world, "Take In" all the trainning that the "BOOT CAMP" of Life offers you; so that when your sent out into the "WAR ZONE"; you'll know how to handle the "THE REAL DEAL".
- Don't forget this:Whatever Obstacle comes your way see it as a Platfirm to; because it: won't or can't "DESTROY YOU; it can only make you Stronger for the next journey called Life.
- Remember that we are the: 1st Teachers for our children; if they see that we run and Hide in a Cave, then they'll want to do the same.
- Finally, open the door to the one that is ALWAYS waiting on the other side for you to OPEN THE DOOR AND LET HIM IN, and that person is the one that can Solve any kind of problem and his name is JESUS CHRIST... If you don't know him let us introduce you to him?
Rainbow Bright
What the Rainbow symbolizes is that after something: Cruel, Complicated, or Hard to Handle then, succeeds the rays of Sun Light. Think about it, not everything that begins in your life in an: Awful Manner, has to "End Up" the same way. For example, the Lord says this in:
- In their Death Beds
- On Death Row
- During and after a Divorce
- Finally, when everything that wasn't supposed to go Wrong, turned into a "Night Mare".
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Yes, We're Talking To "YOU"
What the Lord is telling the Youths and their Parents is to Really think before they take any type of STEP that will seem as if your going to obtain SATISFACTION and in the "LONG RUN" you'll be "WEEPING ENDLESSLY"; so Please SORT OUT your: THOUGHTS, FEELINGS, and GOALS Slowly and Carefully? Take the advice from:
- Pastors that have Counseled unwed teen Parents and their parents.
- Furthermore, we're Parents of 4 teenage boys; who's friends have Confided in them and Us because everyone else has TURNED their backs on them; Especially their parents......
Finally, from a "HAPPILY Married Couple of 21 years, and BLISSFULLY BLESSED with 4 Diamond Sons that has: Witnessed, Felt, and Rejoiced in listening to someone, who ONCE said, Yes, We're Talking To YOU".You'll be glad you did!!!, June 12, 2009
So look up in the sky: It's a Bird, It's a plane, NO it's not Superman; it's the one who can Untie the Knots of your life.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
We truly love the saying "That the Sun Shines for Everyone", because sometimes people think that only good happen to certain individuals. However that's not correct; when something: pleasant, good, or unexpected occurs in any ones life it's because our Heavenly and Spiritual God is a Merciful Father.
So no matter what you may be undergoing, just remember that the Lord is waiting for you to ask for his help and that "The Best Is Yet to Come" . That's the great think about him, he'll never forsake us. He's Amazing and always on time.
Monday, June 8, 2009
The Cross Roads of LIFE
Deep down in side you know that it's really you that's standing at the Cross Roads of LIFE ... However if you try to see someone else in your shoes then it might be a bite easier to come to an honest determination of what's the best outcome.
Utilizing this type of self evaluation method when you find yourself approaching a so called Dead End will bring about POSITIVE results. Regarding this matter the word of the LORD says this:
What's Going On?
Let's do a little chatting about why is it so difficult for society to interact with each other. You know what I'm talking about. Everybody walks by each other as if the other person covered with some kind of deadly disease. What's that ALL about?
- Sit back, relax, please read these questions, and then answer them to yourself?
- Is it because of the current economical recession?
- Perhaps it's due to the Outbreak of Street Violence?
- Furthermore, maybe the main factor is a product of nobody wanting to deal with each other.
Finally, maybe mankind has to "Go Back To Basics", such as remembering to say: Thank You, Please, and a few other words that are being said anymore.
It's a down right shame the way most parents brought up their children with: respect, honor, and Old School Manners; are slowly disappearing!!!
Come everybody, let's take a few moments out of our busy schedule and just do a kind deed for someone. For example:
- Visit an elderly person, who doesn't have anyone to throw out their trash.
- Say good morning to your next door neighbor.
- We're going to toss something heavy at you. If you see a Homeless person looking through garbage cans; offer that individual a coffee and a donut.
- Believe us, you'll feel a heavy load lifted off of you. Try it, you may like?
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Thus, don't allow what's going on around you Drive you CRAZY! Work it out, not for the: family members across town to hear, neighbors, and so called co workers; but for the person you fell in LOVE with. Believe us, YES married life is sometimes Hard to Handle; but there are incidents in LIFE that are worth the its weight in GOLD, and keeping your Married Life ... TOGETHER Til Death Due you Part is one of them.